"More than half of gifted children can not realize their true potential. This isbecause schools do not always provide the intellectual stimulation they need. "
"The gifted child is one who has superior intellectual abilities to others.However, not easy to define these capabilities. The definition commonly usedin the traditional way to select children for special programs is to select thosewith an IQ of 130 or more, as measured by intelligence tests "External source.
They call him the Mozart of contemporary painting, only three years old.Already have a individuial. Criticism and praise of the great masters of theplastic. UPI, Prensa Latina and Microsoft News, they gave new to the world. More than a dozen digital media and daily rotating echoed the news. He was borna genius of art in the Dominican Republic.
Learn the 28 letters of the alphabet, counting and all colors are learned within two years, in a surprising way, this not knowing palbras coordinates. He painted hes first picture when he was 1 year and three month.
Filled the walls of his house doodles and colors, began to make his firstworks with 1 year and three months. After two and a half years and 30painters he recognized universal. Now three and a half know know almost a hundred names (91) and their works, painters of all time .. Different mediaare interested in its history. His parents were in anonymity until theTrampolin Museum opened the place so the world from seeing what isalready one of the world's smallest painters in exposing individuals,particularly vaguardista art, with the quality of a teacher of modern art. Witha mind to memorizarr prodigious artist name. To give an idea of the ability of the children in just three days learned who painted the 20 numbers in the park gazebo and Cayetano Germosen, a street near his home.
Painters and critics have pondered his works, and has hundreds offollowers on his Facebook page, and blosg artelista.com ininternet.Jonathan David Mendez.
"A six-year-old left her parents speechless when painting as one of the greatpainters (Van Gogh). This is a 6-year old British boy, Kieron Williamson,when in this past summer, the Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall, materialrequested to make their first sketches of paint. As he approached his parentsto see the painting, were speechless to see the great landscapes he had painted a port in detail. Williamson Kieron just turned 8 years old, andcelebrated as any normal child with family and friends. But outside his inner circle in a small British market town of Holt, the art world is impressed with its ability to use Kieron striking watercolors, pastels and oils.
The Daily Mail of London has dubbed Kieron "Mini Monet" after he sold his paintings at 235.804 U.S. dollars (150,000 pounds) in a gallery show in his hometown, where todaslas child exhibited 33 works were sold in less thanhalf an hour. "
Source: http://www.otrastardes.com
"The gifted child is one who has superior intellectual abilities to others.However, not easy to define these capabilities. The definition commonly usedin the traditional way to select children for special programs is to select thosewith an IQ of 130 or more, as measured by intelligence tests "External source.
1-Kim Ung-Yong (languages and mathematics)
Born in Korea in 1963, knowing voice to the age of four years in Korean,Japanese, German and English. Also at that age I knew perfectly solvedifficult differential and integral calculus. Two years later, demonstrated in aJapanese television program for their ability to understand Chinese, Spanish,Vietnamese, Tagalog, German, English, Japanese and Korean. While still achild, Kim also devoted himself to writing poems. Kim is in the GuinnessBook of Records for being the person living with the highest IQ in the world,which is estimated at 210.http://www.ibiep.com
2-Gregory Smith. (Derecho internacional)
3- Michael Kevin Kearney (Science-Geology)
With 24 years of age at present, is known for being the world's youngestperson to graduate from the University, as he did at the age of 10 years in thecareer of Geology, having completed high school only four years before. It is also known for being able to win the U.S. contest Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, making a prize of one million dollars. At four months old spokeperfect, and only three months later he was able to tell your doctor that "he had an ear infection. "
4- Akrit Jaswal (Medicine)
He is 17 years today and is considered the person másinteligente across India, which has great merit in a country of one billion people. Akrit becamepublicly known when in 2000 he made his first medical intervention at home.Was seven and his patient was her friend of eight years, a local girl who couldnot afford a doctor. Akrit had no formal medical training and no experience insurgery managed to help this girl, and is also not an easy operation, and thatshould separate the girl's fingers, which were merged into one after a bad burn years ago. Focused its intelligence in medicine and the age of twelvesaid to be about to discover a cure for cancer. He is now studying for adegree in Chandigarh College, being the youngest student ever accepted bya university in India. Source:http://www.ibiep.com
5-Cleopatra Stratan (Action)
Born in 2002 in Chisinau, Moldova. Can boast of being the youngest artist tocommercial success, as it has the record for being the youngest person tostand on stage for nearly two hours, the youngest artist to get a number 1 national and younger person to receive an award from MTV, getting all thiswith the age of three years.
6-Jonathan D' Jonathan David Mendez (Modern Art Painting)
They call him the Mozart of contemporary painting, only three years old.Already have a individuial. Criticism and praise of the great masters of theplastic. UPI, Prensa Latina and Microsoft News, they gave new to the world. More than a dozen digital media and daily rotating echoed the news. He was borna genius of art in the Dominican Republic.
Learn the 28 letters of the alphabet, counting and all colors are learned within two years, in a surprising way, this not knowing palbras coordinates. He painted hes first picture when he was 1 year and three month.
Filled the walls of his house doodles and colors, began to make his firstworks with 1 year and three months. After two and a half years and 30painters he recognized universal. Now three and a half know know almost a hundred names (91) and their works, painters of all time .. Different mediaare interested in its history. His parents were in anonymity until theTrampolin Museum opened the place so the world from seeing what isalready one of the world's smallest painters in exposing individuals,particularly vaguardista art, with the quality of a teacher of modern art. Witha mind to memorizarr prodigious artist name. To give an idea of the ability of the children in just three days learned who painted the 20 numbers in the park gazebo and Cayetano Germosen, a street near his home.
Painters and critics have pondered his works, and has hundreds offollowers on his Facebook page, and blosg artelista.com ininternet.Jonathan David Mendez.
7-Luigi Fabiano Caruana (Ajedres)
This boy of 18 years today, has dual citizenship in Italy and the United States.In 2007, he became a grandmaster at the age of 14 years, 11 months, 20 days, becoming the youngest grandmaster in the history of Italy and theUnited States. In 2010 FIDE list, has a score of 2649, which makes it theworld's best player under 18, winning by a record distance the runner.
8-Saul Kripke Aaron
Saul Kripke Aaron
The New York native born in 1940 discovered the algebra 9 years, somethingnot separate in your life. Geometry completely dominated a year later, and at that time began to take an interest in philosophy. While still a teenager, he wrote a series of papers that eventually transformed the study of modal logic.One of them received a letter from the department of mathematics at HarvardUniversity, who joined the department espereban to start working, but he refused, because his mother wanted him to finish school at the age of all hiscompanions.
9-Kieron Williamson ( Landescape impresionism art.)

The Daily Mail of London has dubbed Kieron "Mini Monet" after he sold his paintings at 235.804 U.S. dollars (150,000 pounds) in a gallery show in his hometown, where todaslas child exhibited 33 works were sold in less thanhalf an hour. "
Source: http://www.otrastardes.com
10-Oscar Wrigley
With two and a half years, is the youngest person in history to join the Mensa(Association of People with IQ). And this child is the ratio of people as famous as Einstein or Stephen Hawking. Oscar show much interest in music,having recently been interested in classical music and even detects whatinstruments plays the tunes you hear.